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This might have come out in 2015 or 2016 (maybe sooner). The movie is about a British colony in the early 1800s I believe. One of the residents, a white male (about 35), takes in a former Black slave (about 15) as his maid. The townsfolk question their relationship because it’s strange for a girl of her age to be living alone with this man and isn’t married. She catches rabbits and cooks and cleans his house. He is a doctor or writer. Anyway, sometime into the movie, a council is put together to judge their relationship. The man must prove that the maid is a virgin or else they will be forced to marry. And, he has to prove it in their presence in a court room with others. He does it - takes her virginity in front of everyone. She is hurt and angry and mad (so mad and humiliated). After some time, she forgives him and they go on with their lives.
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