Title Help

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I'm after the title of a period drama I watched a few years ago (Movie). It might have been filmed anywhere in the 90's - 2000's.
A woman has a hard life, and works as a servant for a mean boss. There are a few scenes where she overlooks a cliff side and watches the ocean. She wears a lot of drab, dark gowns. It's filmed somewhere in the UK. In one scene, she goes to visit her family, who are poor, and finds out that either her brother is actually her father, or maybe it's her sister that is actually her mother. (Iv'e forgotten) Anyways, she meets a man (I believe he's foreign) and they have a baby together. I think he has a drinking problem, and one night he falls very ill. She tries to get him help, but there is a severe storm outside. I'm not sure if he dies because she can't get the help she needs. Anyways, I would be so grateful if anyone knows the title.


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