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Christmas movie (I think) 2 young peasant girls living in a very poor circumstance- an attic that was barely furnished and no heat. They wore rags- and worried what they would eat. They prayed and prayed for help. It seems they were 'locked' in. One morning they awoke to find themselves in the lap of luxury. They were covered with warm velvet bed quilts and the attic was filled with a meal- warm meats, cheeses, and bowls of many kinds of fruit, they had hot tea and juice to drink and sweet candies, too. A fire in the fire place was warming the whole area and the room was furnished with wonderful, beautiful beds, chairs, etc......Also there were beautiful dresses and slips, stockings of wool and leather shoes. They could fix their hair with hair brushes and combs--- they had NONE OF these things before they prayed. It turned out to be a very rich benevolent kind KING who bestowed on them all that they would ever need asking nothing in return.... WHAT's THE Name of this MOVIE??
--- I saw it as a child and have never forgotten it--- I can 'remember' the scenes...
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