Title Help
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I'm trying to remember a film a saw years ago. Can't remember the title or any chravters name but I have a few distinct scenes and I wanna say the movie was set in 1700's/1800' but I could be wrong.
First one, little girl (anywhere from 7-10) has to live with a women. Women makes her live in attic in middle of summer and only feeds her one slice of bread and one glass of milk for most meals
Later in the movie the women and little girl and women start to bond. Little girl gives women make over. When women goes to look at herself I'm the mirror she sees the guy she's crushing on and freaks out on little girl for being allowed to be seen like that. Girl goes out to talk to man and is like "isn't she beautiful?" Man agrees.
Later in movie something happens to her legs and we see her with alot of people around her and using arm walker things to walk twords women
That's all I got, I remember watching it in a class? Could be a movie made into a book? Or I could be wrong about that
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