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It's an older movie I watched on tv in 2011 or 2012. An asian fantasy movie set back in time. I only remember parts of it.
1. After the start there's a woman (could be a princess) being carried in the desert maybe on a palanquin with a group of soldiers. They get attacked and the girl is taken to cave in the desert and held captive. She falls in love with her captor and he lets her leave. She leaves a white hair comb for him in the cave.
2. Somewhere in the middle of the movie, there is a soldier who is not really a soldier but is pretending to be and he is accompanying a woman (could also be a princess) by foot somewhere. There is a green meadow and they end up laying down and talking briefly before carrying on.
3. The end of the movie, a woman sacrifices herself to save a guy by trapping herself in a sand prison using magic.
Hope someone can help, this has been bugging me for years and I always get crouching tiger hidden dragon as a search result due to the white comb, but it's not that movie.
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