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I watched this movie a year or two ago, most likely on Netflix or Amazon Prime. It’s a period drama set in Europe, in the late 1800s or early 1900s. It concerns a woman who is sent to a hospital (perhaps a mental institution) to recover from an illness. While she’s there she falls in love with another patient, a young soldier, who has some kind of wasting disease like tuberculosis. At some point in the film they take a picture, where he’s sitting in a chair and she’s kind of perched on the arm.
Later, she thinks the soldier’s overbearing father has come to take him home, but it turns out the soldier had actually died and she saw them taking out his corpse. When she goes to look at the picture of them, she finds that it’s only a picture of her by herself sitting on the arm of the chair. These are the only scenes I remember distinctly, but I have a memory of his room being in another wing of the hospital, and she goes there later and finds that it's been vacant for some time.
It might be a French or German-language film but is definitely set in Europe at a hospital.
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