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I would like to find the movie that follows a Chinese family through the years. It is not "The Good Earth," or the "Joy Luck Club." This one has a part where a daughter is having a very difficult child birth and the family gets a surgeon out of prison to help. He has been starved and the family sympathetically buys him some yeast rolls, which he consumes all at once and then drinks water, causing him to bloat and be unable to attend the girl. She dies, but her child lives. That portion of the movie made a great impact on me, as well as several other scenes and I've often thought I'd like to see it again, but cannot recall the title. Also, the main male character is a spoiled and selfish man, who gambles and loses his wealth. He puts on puppet shows. Another character, who is a decent person, accidentally causes the death of a child. The parents hate him and will not forgive him. I'm not sure if the voices are dubbed to English, or if I had to read captions. It was a great movie, though.


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