Title Help

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My husband and I watched a foreign period drama (with subtitles for most of it) chronicling the life of a female heroine, and the title was possibly her name. We think it may have been produced in the early 2000s but no later than 2009/10 but we could be wrong. Her mother had died and she hated her abusive father (verbal and hitting, not sexual), whom later in the movie she physically defended herself against, thereby ending his abuse. As a young girl she was introduced to a French or English tutor (we recognized the actor but haven't got a clue now) - he was a different nationality than the girl - and was later sent away for a reason we cannot remember. They had been very close, but not romantic. Later in the movie when she was of age she was married off to a much older man. Initially she was very nervous about this but did eventually fall in love with him due to his kindness. This was not the end of the movie, but it is as far as we can remember. It follows her life through old age, and at some point during her later years she may have gotten back in contact with her old tutor. We very much enjoyed this movie and have searched high and low to no avail. I hope someone can help!


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