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I watched a program about 20 years ago that was set in Japan. A young English woman married an Officer who was a loutish lover and they were posted to the far eastern part of China (I think). They were separated due to war with the Russians and during that time she met and fell in love with a Japanese diplomat/spy. They had an affair. She became pregnant by the lover. When her husband returned he found her very pregnant but obviously not with his child--he had been gone over a year. The Japanese lover arranged for her to go to Japan. After the child is born the lover is dismayed to see that she is keeping his son in a playpen (cage!). He arranges for a childless couple to take the child and raise him as their own. The mother is furious and refuses further help from her lover. She makes a life for herself providing western style clothing to Japanese women. I cannot remember the title but would love to find out what it is called in order to track it down.
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