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I lived with my grandma as a child and every night before going to sleep we watched old movies. My favorite actor was Tyrone Power. I once saw a movie tht seemed like a saga... This woman was in love with this man and he left. She lived in a big house and somebody was trying to cut/take down a tree but it was under that tree that they had their first love encounter so she stood in front of the tree and would not let anyone cut it. I fell asleep and missed the end of the movie. Ever since I've been trying to find it... I'm 33 and still no luck, if anyone knows you would make one of my bucket list wishes come true... To find and watch this movie! I think during the move there was some sort of migration or caravan but I might be mixing it with another movie. The one scene I remember was that of the tree... Hope someone knows the movie!!! Thank you!!! You can email me at nei98@hotmail.com
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